Saturday 30 August 2014

How to do: Yogurt Dessert


Anybody for a delicious dessert?  I thought so :)
You only need a few things and about 5 minutes to eat something fresh and sweet.

Doesn't it look yummy?
It's a perfect sanck for a lunch brake or even a sweet breakfast!

Let me know what you think :)

Friday 29 August 2014


Today is a quick reminder of a SPINACH SPAGHETTI recipe but in slightly different version.

We need:
- pasta spirals
- spinach
- tomato
- black olives
- garlic
- mozzarella (small balls)
- spices

1. Cook pasta.
2. Fry the garlic & add tomato, olives, spieces & spinach.
3. At the end add mozzarella and stir it until it melts.

Really quick and simple recipe. It only takes about 15min and you can eat :)

Hope you like it!

Thursday 28 August 2014


Hello everyone!
Today I want to show you a quick recipe for a hot supper. When I'm bored with simple sandwiches I make a SAUSAGE IN PUFF PASTRY. It's perfect for a lazy evening.

Hope you'll like it!
If you have any questions or suggestions write me :)

Sunday 24 August 2014

Quick escape: CROATIA

Recently I went to Croatia, Such a beautiful country. Now I understad what the fuss is all about!
Amazingly clear water, breathtaking views and beautiful cities.
I've only been to Hvar Island but going through the coast I was admiring stunning views of the moutains and the Adriatic Sea.

A pic from a ferry to Sućuraj.

 An abandoned village in the middle of Hvar Island- Malo Grablje where is a small bar with the best homemade PROŠEK (it's a sweet dessert vine). 
Amazing views from the highest peak- Sveti Nikolaj.
Romantic streets of Stari Grad- a quick jump to history.

If you ever have possibility to go to Croatia grab it! It's really worth it. I want to come back one day and see the rest of this beautiful country.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Salt and pepper shakers

My beautiful & weird salt and pepper casters. I bought them in Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid. They pattern after Pablo Picasso's "Guernica".
They really are unique :)


Hi everyone!
So today I want to give you another quick recipe: PILAF. There are many types of this dish- with fish, meat or even fruit but usually I make (in my opinion) the easiest: with CHICKEN BREAST. I know that everybody likes it so I can cook it from time to time.

And that's it! Easy right? 
It doesn't look very fancy but it's really tasty (event without meat, my sis is vegetarian but I make one plate withotu chicken especially for her).

So if you have any questions or/and suggestions don't hesitate! Write me!

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Crema di Arancino

My sister just came back from Italy and bought me this!

It's a really good orange liquor.
I've tasted Limoncello and Limonce and they are both delicious (perfect for a Girls Night with cupcakes and talking)

It looks so nice that I'm not sure if I want to open it :)

Sunday 10 August 2014


Hello everyone!
Today I want to start my weekly "Sweet Sunday". I used to do it on Thursdays for my friends. Every week I would bake different cupcake!
And today I'm doing it again! For 1st Sunday I want to give you a recipe for NUTELLA MUFFIN. It's sweet, it's delicious and it's really easy to make :)

I hope you will like it (it's Nutella cupcake so of course you will!!!)! 

If you have any questions or advices write me!

Monday 4 August 2014


Hi everyone!
Today I'll give you super easy reciepe for a quick lunch.

Just add some ketuchp and enjoy!

Any thoughts?

Sunday 3 August 2014


Hi everybody!
Today I will show you one of my laziest recipes :) I prepare it whenever I stay alone at home and really don't want to cook just for myself. It's kind of a mix of everything I have in my fridge. It's a light version of real spanish omelet (you don't use 10 egss).

It is also really good with a ham and blue cheese.
I add 4 slices of ham in the same time as spinach and at the end grated cheese (just for 2min so it melts).
I like the recipe because I can add whatever I have in the fridge and it always taste good.

Any suggestions or advices?
Always good to hear new ideas from you!

Saturday 2 August 2014


Hello everybody!
Today I will give you the recipe for delicious RUSSIAN BISCUITS! It's a really quick way to make perfect sweets for a coffe or tea break. You simply cannot stop eating them :)

Ok that's it for today! I really like biscuits with the cherry jam because it's more sour.
If you have any questions or suggestions you can always write me!
Hope you enjoy them as much as me! :)